Zerio ParkingFrequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

A list of frequently asked questions can be seen below.

If this is empty and you have a question, please turn to the support in our community server instead!

Where can I find the job data?

As noted in the installation guide, you can find information like this in the SETUP FILES folder of zerio-parking.

Integration with OX_Inventory

Start out with changing Config.MenuOpenType to "custom" in zerio-parking/configs/opentype.lua.

Then you can use the following item data in ox_inventory/data/items.lua.

['parkingtool'] = {
    label = 'Parking Cite Tool',
    weight = 1000,
    stack = false,
    allowArmed = true,
    consume = 0,
    client = {
        export = 'zerio-parking.Open',
['parkingticket'] = {
    label = 'Parking Ticket',
    weight = 1000,
    stack = false,
    allowArmed = true,
    consume = 0,
    client = {
        export = 'zerio-parking.UsedParkingTicket',